March 23, 2012

Project Life Week 10

I've been a little MIA on here this week I know. I've been absorbed in the little man's head cold, the Hunger Games trilogy, and trying not to go to stir-crazy cooped up inside all day everyday. We'll be venturing out later today to run a few errands and get the smell of house of us, but before that I thought I'd share Week 10 from the Project Life album.

I tried to get to it last week, but my missing mojo seemed to let the week pass without a picture or word put into place. With the downtime this week, I got 'er done. A quick look at the two-page spread:

Documented this week were our family time together, visits with more family, general errands and stuff, the loss of connectivity to the outside world for a whole day (thank you Rogers) and dinner with friends. Here's a closer look at the first page:

I love getting the Lindt packaging in there. We very rarely have "junk" in our cupboards, but you will almost always find some Lindt dark chocolate in there, be it 70%, orange intense, sea salt, or, my personal favourite, Roasted Almond. I also love capturing this hug from Aunt Jodie.

While she was squeezing a squirming HP, she repeated the all-too-familiar quote from Elmyra on Looney Tunes Tiny Toons. In that particular episode, she's squeezing her adopted cat Sylvester so tightly she's sure to suffocate him while saying "I'm gonna hug you and kiss you and love you forever (and never use you up)." It's a quote (and a hug) sissy and I know all to well!

And here's a closer look at the second page:

The Oh No card just details the full day's loss of cable, internet and phone. Literally disconnected from the outside world! I also loved that I had a word sticker that suited my cleaning supplies so well ... it might be the reason I go back that's for sure ;)

Hope you have a marvy weekend!

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